Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Apparently Ashton Kutcher has started making interesting "culture" videos with his new Thrash Lab concept.  I happened across one that I absolutely love about butchers (of course!)  Why do I love videos about cutting up meat?

Earlier, I wrote about my new (but not so new) rules on meat.  In the last few weeks I've had a few friends approach me about their thoughts.  One was feeling bad about eating meat due to the numerous food documentaries being made and watched.  The other is attempting to go vegan.  The only advice that I had for the documentary-watcher was, "You don't like it!  Do something about it!  Change your ways!"  Obviously my advice is NOT to give up meat.  I think animals are a very important part of our food system.  And they should be eaten in order to keep balance!  But we do need to respect the life that we take.  One of my favorite examples of this is in the Last of Mohicans.  I couldn't find a clip of the scene, so I've embedded the whole movie (which I love).  From 3:22 to about 4:26 you can see the homage that the Mohicans pay to the deer after they shoot it.  I think this is definitely something that a lot of us forget about when we sit down to eat.

The hopeful vegan and I had a completely different conversation.  The attempter is thinking that even if animals are being raised sustainably, they are still contributing to the messed-up food system.  I completely disagreed with this, and told the vegetarian as such.  After my obvious disagreement, the conversation stopped, so I didn't receive any good arguments for the reasoning.  I think the vegetarian is trying to turn me completely vegetarian.  I'm pretty sure that is never going to happen!

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