Friday, September 9, 2011

Dan Barber on Farms

I just recently found Dan Barber on  I DID watch all of the videos, and can say that the amazing chef describes himself perfectly as the "neurotic, finicky, Upper East Side Jew".

Although these videos are all from 2008, I still enjoyed listening to them.  I want to share three of the videos that really stuck with me.

The first video gets really good at about 1:06 to the end.  He discusses the history of restaurants and food and where we are at now.

The second video I like because he explains one of his theories, "When you have a story, you have delicious food (as long as you don't screw it up)."

And finally you have my third highlighted video.  Here he talks about breeding pigs.  Not only does the food the animal eats affect its flavor, but also the mother, the father and HOW it was bred.  I like this theory.  I'd like to find evidence on it.

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