Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver seems to be taking on a combination of the two biggest issues in the U.S. today:  the education system and food.  He actually has a show on ABC (or has for the last two years) where he actually goes into different cities in the U.S. and tries to make a difference with school lunches.  The first season was dealing with Huntington, Virginia, and the second season - LA.  He yells.  He cries.  He fist-pumps.  I attribute some of his emotional scenes to being English, but you do know that his passionate is true.  Him being so passionate about changing the bad habits of a country he doesn't even live in definitely says something about the guy!  Yeah - it's money.  But it seems like he could be doing fine if he just stayed in England.

I read somewhere that he was actually a "normal" cook in a restaurant's kitchen back in the day (which wasn't that long ago.)  Someone from a local news station showed up with a camera to feature the restaurant or something and liked Jamie's charisma.  And that's how he got his big break!  He got a cooking show on the local television station.  I love that story.  So random and awesome.  And for those of you that know me, I put him in the same category as Cesar Millan.

I actually didn't realize what he was really about until this summer.  I read an interview with him in the WholeLiving magazine.  And his best advice to the readers was, "How you spend your dollars at the supermarket is the most important way to create changes in the food industry."  This makes me think that we may be hearing more from this guy after he defeats school lunches.  I think this guy is working in phases.

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