Saturday, October 27, 2012


I have developed an interesting eating habit in regards to meat.  I try to eat meat only when I know where it has come from.  Whenever I mention this to my friends, I always get hit with this youtube clip:
I would like to offer a disclaimer that I'm NOT like that at all!  I definitely don't make others follow my eating habit either, so don't ever worry about inviting me over for "unknown meat"!  All meat that I purchase, I purchase directly from the farmer.  And if I eat at restaurants, I research the farms/ranches where they get their meat.  And if I approve of their practices, I eat the meat!  If nothing is disclosed, I just don't eat meat.

Since I now have this fascination with meat, I've also been fascinated with the butchering of animals.  I absolutely cannot wait until my parents move out to the farm and we can have our chicken butchering parties!

The butchering and the cuts of the meat have stumbled me upon a really cool butcher, Farmstead Meatsmith.  He has a few videos that he has created that are REALLY great.  The most recent being about curing meat, but really I have enjoyed all of them.  Butchering is catching on as an art again.  It seems that those interested in the great taste of meat are realizing again that it starts with the farm and ends with the cook, but is heavily influenced by the butcher in between.  Chefs are even becoming butchers!  Ryan Farr, the chef/butcher in the article is definitely in it for the cause!

I think I still prefer the raising of the animals over the butchering of them, but I'm glad I realized the importance of the butcher.  And really how important it is to have an excellent one!